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Getting the best from your new saddle

When you choose to buy a ReactorPanel Saddle you have a 4 week trial which we will happily extend with prior arrangement in which to assess whether the saddle is for you, during this time we are happy to return to change the saddle style or refit as the horses often change shape quickly and the last thing we want to do is to stop this adjustment, usually the visit is free of charge.

Despite this we occasionally get trials fail because customers don’t fully understand the changes their horse goes through as like changing a horse to barefoot from a lifetime of shoes there needs to be a period of adjustment in which the horse learns to adjust to a new way of going , starts using different muscles and therefore muscle mass changes, sometimes quite quickly. There is always a period of adjustment to any new saddle but with a RP saddle the changes in the way a horse moves are more pronounced. Hence I felt the need to write this post to draw attention to what you can expect , what to do and also what not to do to to assist your horse in his/her adjustment period and hence have a successful trial .

So the most important first point is to try not to do too much , the most common reason people can have problems in the trial period is because of delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS . It’s tempting if your horse gets that elusive right lead canter they could never get before or they can now do their lateral work on both reins to overwork those movements, think of if you suddenly went to the gym after not exercising for few years, you would get sore and uncomfortable. Also when horses suffer from pain from an ill fitting saddle the first thing they do is hollow away from pain, this in turn causes lack of muscle and atrophy, causing a vicious circle over time, horse feels pressure and pain, hollows away, muscle atrophies, then saddle fit problem is exacerbated. Therefore when this pressure is removed the horse needs to learn to move again and slowly starts to repair the muscle, this can result in a lack of consistency in gait and also soreness . Here’s a super article on DOMS. .

However if you work your horse in a sympathetic way and allow time in between training sessions as above your horse will build muscle, often quickly. He/she will also start to move in a more correct way which will often mean that your saddle will need adjusting. we recommend that we see you within a mandatory 3 months of the fitting of a new saddle but often horses can need a refit within the first month, that is why we offer a free revisit and adjustment within the first month and a free adjustment subject to callout charge within 3 months as we want you and your horse to succeed towards your goals and recognize that things will change .

Also if your horse is lacking in muscle due to atrophy there is a good chance he is also lacking in feeling through the back due to lack of blood flow and oxygen to the muscles causing nerve damage. Horses also become accustomed to a saddle causing back pain and some stoic horses just ignore it. If you then remove the source and replace with a saddle which allows the horse to move correctly again the pain is removed and the muscle recovers. Again this can cause DOMS and a horse that previously hadn’t complained because of lack of feeling or the fact that they are stoic might now let you know they are uncomfortable because they now have feeling in the back due to the return of oxygen, blood and nutrients to the muscle or the fact that they now realise they don’t have to feel this way. Horses that have built significant muscle might also be telling you that their saddle is starting to feel bad again and it’s time to have it widened. Please see the blogpost Remedial Horse Help on our main saddle exchange site

So please enjoy your new saddle, we are here to help and can always be contacted for advice . We fit horses from your happy hacker who gets ridden once a week to endurance horses of the highest level so the chances are we have seen what you are experiencing before and we can reassure you if we are familiar with what you are describing. We also have quite a few customers and friends who are equine vets and therefore have very experienced people we can turn to for advice if necessary.

The most common requirement would be a revisit and a refit or we can always give remote help 😊

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Introducing The ReactorPanel Saddle

Introducing the ReactorPanel saddle, the most adjustable, flexible treed saddle with one of the largest weight bearing services and lowest PSI on the market .

Used at the highest levels of competition .

The ReactorPanel saddle is a modification of Military saddle designs using hi-tech materials. The original design has been significantly refined using modern materials to produce a traditional looking saddle that is almost infinitely adjustable .

The ‘panel ’ of the saddle is independent from the ‘saddle seat’. So it is possible to provide a saddle solution for the small rider partnering an extremely large horse, or vice versa, with ReactorPanel, both parties can achieve the perfect fit for them both as the panels are what fits the horse that then means that the rider is free to choose whatever suits them whatever the horse’s shape. The saddle is also easily adjusted when the horse changes shape.

In a well fitting ReactorPanel saddle most horses visibly relax and the stride lengthens. Riders trying them for the first time feel the freedom of movement immediately. Particularly in extended trot and lateral work, they also experience a close connected feel with superior stability and feel at one with the horse . Horses who previously struggle going downhill or achieving the correct leg in canter find that everything is easier.

The large flexible panels maximize the weight-bearing surface, distributing pressure over the widest possible area so the horse carries the saddle more comfortably and the riders feel more stable, the close contact feel that is achieved enables the horse to feel weight and seat aids the rider in a more clear way . Different panel lengths ensure that the system can accommodate horses of all shapes and sizes on different size saddles, the object being to spread the riders weight over the largest weight bearing surface possible

Even in well fitting saddles you have a static object interfacing two moving objects. With the ReactorPanel system the panels move with the horse, allowing superior stability and feel.

Because of the large number of customers we fit every day the ReactorPanel is evolving as we learn more about how our saddles interact with different horse and rider combinations.

With our customers success in the Endurance Market Saddle Exchange Saddling Solutions added new Endurance Saddles to the range in from 2010, The Xtreme Endurance saddles, The Pegasus and the Endevor stripdown are all now being used by 17 national teams and a number of high level, International riders including Maria Alvarez Mercades Ponton and Nicola Thorne together with the established Christine Yeoman Endurance Saddle, which have special features to enhance the experience of the endurance rider or our standard Endurance saddle used by Twice World and European Endurance Champion Maria Alverez Mercedes Ponton.

These specialist saddles are not just the province of the professional rider, if they can help the professional, they can also assist the aspiring rider to reach their full potential. There is not a saddle produced that suits every horse but ReactorPanel may be a good place to start.

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More About The System

Read more about our world beating saddle …

As the panels are made of a sandwich composition of leather, hi-tech foam and plastics,which creates their weight distribution ability.

This composition with an added design feature allows the panels to actively move three dimensionally with the horse . Performance is enhanced because the horse is able to move fully both medially and laterally.

Although the panel appears forward to customer unused to looking at panel saddles, the flexible design allows for more freedom of movement, resting over the scapula or shoulder blade (this part of the panel is non weight bearing) it allows the shoulder to travel backwards underneath the panel allowing complete freedom of movement. When riding without numnahs or saddle pads you can easily see the panels flex as the shoulders move underneath.

The tree points are specially shortened to end above the bony mass of the scapula so when the shoulders rotate backwards, they slide easily under the panels without encountering rigid resistance . This feature is especially useful with regards to horses with muscle damage to the wither pocket or high withers as the saddle does not sit into the area behind the scapula as does a traditionally designed saddle which is very advantageous to the renewal of muscle in these cases.

The specially designed numnahs and saddle pads come in a pair, one for each panel, they are attached independently of each other and ensure that as the panels move with the horse there is no constriction at the top of the wither or movement from the numnahs .
The connection between the saddle and the panel is made with four shock-absorbing ‘Sorbothane’ discs. Sorbothane is a dense patented rubber designed to isolate vibration while absorbing energy and impact. The discs come in four thicknesses, allowing almost infinite repositioning to custom fit the saddle. The panels and shock absorbing discs follow the changing contours of the back in motion .

The panels undulate with the back under the centre of the saddle. Independently attached, the panels compress and flex on either side of the horse’s spine in response to the back motion. For more information on this amazing, semi solid please see “Why Sorbothane ? No other saddle has this system, absorbing shock and concussion from both the rider above and the horse below giving the ultimate in stability and feel even on the widest horse. You really can feel every footfall.


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Increased Stimulation of The Back Muscles

Increased stimulation of the back muscles, Whalen at optimum fit encourages the horse to lift and use his back correctly.

Now our distributor for Australia Lucinda McAlpine, International Dressage Rider works with an ever increasing number of riders from all disciplines. Lucinda searched for years to find a saddle that would enable her advanced dressage horses to execute the difficult movements she asked of them. Having found RP saddles over 20 years ago she prefers not to ride in anything else.

She says, “I work a great deal with young horses or horses undergoing rehabilitation and I consider my ReactorPanel Saddles as invaluable tools – whereas a conventional saddle is just a saddle, this is an advanced riding device!”

Lucinda usually starts a session with a remedial or severely muscle wasted horse in rehabilitation by loose schooling in her saddles. She also uses the saddle on non remedial horses to help them loosen up before training and young horses to get them used to movement on their backs .

The movement of the panels on the horses back without the rider acts like a massage and has been shown to increase stimulation  to the area which in turn can increase blood flow. this was something we experienced during thermal imaging trials.

During a research session with Livvy Adams and her Equiscan equipment we tested a well fitting traditional saddle against a ReactorPanel on our retired Grand Prix Dressage mare who has very big movement . With the same rider, same gaits and same length of time the difference showed not only an enhanced stability on a slightly asymetric horse but the thermal imaging showed vastly increase in bloodflow from ears to tail along the horses topline. This coupled with the largest weight bearing surface of any English saddle which allows the weight to be spread across the horses back spreading the riders weight over a larger area and eliminating pressure points when correctly fitted allows the horse to work in a correct and more dynamic way.

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Why Sorbothane?

Why do we use sorbothane discs in our saddle read more …..

Sorbothane® Shock and Vibration Solutions:

Reactorpanel Sorbothane discs

Sorbothaneis recognized worldwide as the ultimate material for attenuating shock, isolating vibration and damping noise . No synthetic rubber or polymer can dissipate energy as effectively. Sorbothane® is a highly damped, visco-elastic polymeric solid that flows like a liquid under load . Since its introduction in 1982, Sorbothane® has been used in many energy absorbing product applications. Its unique properties allow Sorbothane® to absorb shock and recover to its original shape for thousands of cycles .

Sorbothane combines shock absorption. good memory. vibration isolation and vibration damping characteristics . In addition, Sorbothane is a very effective acoustic damper and absorber. While a wide range of materials exhibit one of these characteristics. Combining them all in a stable material with a long fatigue life .

  • Sorbothane is designed to absorb energy – it converts friction to heat and disperses it.

  • Sorbothane has a low creep rate compared to other polymers (rubber, neoprene, silicone etc.)

  • Sorbothane has a superior damping coefficient, over a wide temperature range compared to any other polymer .

  • Unlike fluid based shock absorbers or foam products Sorbothane absorbs shock for millions of cycles

Note that Sorbothane is used in a range of proprietry sports and medical products including shock absorbing insoles .

So for application in a saddle…….

ReactorPanel Saddles’ flexible panels and shock-absorbing discs follow the changing contours of the back in motion

The Sorbothane® discs that attach the panels to your saddle act as shock absorbers; these absorb the vibration and impact through riding while recovering at the optimum rate so that the shock is not transferred back to the rider or horse but also recovers quickly enough to absorb the vibration from the next impact . Therefore a close, stable connection can be achieved even on the biggest moving horses. Our customers who previously experienced back and knee pain when riding often have found that it improves or completely disappears when riding in a well fitted ReactorPanel saddle .

The discs also take out the concussion from the rider movement in the seat therefore alleviating any jarring from the horses back .

Combined with our patent, flexible, large load bearing panels the weight of the saddle and rider is to displace as kindly as possible across the horses back, giving very low pressure per square inch.


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Trialing a ReactorPanel Saddle

Horses change quickly when they use a well fitting ReactorPanel saddle, therefore we offer a months trial for both you and your horse to test the effects and make sure you buy the right style of saddle for what you need. Then you wont need to ever buy another saddle as long as it is refitted when required… read more

Once your ReactorPanel saddle is correctly fitted you should feel close, deep and connected to your horse . The saddle also has superior stability, the panels moving independently with each side of the horse producing a “massaging” effect which encourages the horse to lift its back and work in a natural outline .

During the 4 week trial we give you the following changes are often observed, sometimes at the initial fitting. However some horses need a little bit of time to adjust to the new feeling .

  • The horse will be feel and be visibly more relaxed .

  • The rider will feel closer and more in tune with the horse and able to feel every footfall .

  • Nervous riders often become confident again due to the stability of the saddle and more relaxed horse.

  • Stride length increases and the horse will often be able to work more consistently on both reins .

  • Offering a more balanced and collected canter picking up the correct lead more often.

  • Horses who previously exhibited a problem being ridden downhill are freer .

The saddle encourages the horse to work from the behind in a natural outline, the massaging action of the panels encouraging the back to lift . Hence a more extravagant movement can be achieved. You may need four weeks to get used to riding it!

The long-term benefits of using ReactorPanel ®’s two-part flexible panel saddle system can include:

Superior recovery for wasted muscle, in the case of wastage behind the scapula the panels skims the wasted muscle unlike traditional or treeless saddles which will often “sit in ” behind the scapula .

  • Increased athletic performance and overall muscling as the horse uses himself in a more efficient way if combined with correct training.

  • Transitions are more timely as the horse can feel your aids more easily, the close contact feel of the saddle allows the rider to give aids at the correct time .

  • Our Endurance customers report that their horses, when being ridden at high levels of competition experience lower heart rate and increased stamina when being ridden in our saddle.

  • A dramatic reduction or elimination of back pain, verified by equine body workers and chiropractors in horse and rider where the saddle is correctly set up.

  • Reduction of “Girthiness” in horses who were previously unhappy to be saddled in most cases complete disappears over time..

These saddles however are not a “magic fix all”. The use of them, particularly for remedial horses and ponies should be combined with an appropriate training regime, the advice of professional body workers and or the vet. Correct shoeing or trimming and dental attention when required.

For some ponies our traditional Pony range are a more appropriate choice but we have found that most horses benefit from its use. While testing, you may need to pay close attention to your horse because changes in behaviour and way of going are not always dramatic or instant. Usually a difference, sometimes pronounced can be seen within the four week trial.
Saddle Exchange Saddling Solutions offers a wide range of English saddles, both in single and Mono-Flap versions, a Western, a Iberian saddle and a saddle designed for riders of Icelandic Horses. We are also happy to design specific saddles for individual rider needs, this is how some of our most popular designs came about, providing a custom fit to you and your horse’s needs.

Use the 4 week trial to decide whether the saddle you are trialing fulfills all your needs or whether you need something specific other than the standard model. We are always happy to revisit, usually free of charge to make sure you get the perfect saddle for you and your horse.

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ReactorPanel FAQ

ReactorPanel Frequently asked questions.

Do you have a Difficult to Fit Horse? Lolly was born this way, but was successfully fitted and ridden in his ReactorPanel saddle fitted by Dean for many years.

What is the difference between ReactorPanel and other panel systems ?

ReactorPanel is the most adjustable saddle system on the market. Because the panels and saddle are not permanently fused together they can be attached in a wide variety of ways, the key to saddle fit is to have the panels around the horse, so the benefit of being about to raise or drop the panels or move them back and forwards is advantageous. A small adjustment makes a lot of difference therefore experience in fitting these saddles allows the achievement of the lovely close, connected feeling you achieve with optimum fit.The panels are attached with shock absorbing, Sorbothane discs which absord concussion from the rider above and the horse below allowing for more comfort and freedom of movement.These discs are available in different widths to allow for custom fit and in some cases, such as some warmblood dressage horses who are very “up in front”shimms may also be required to balance the back of the saddle.

Why was the RP Saddle System developed and how long has it been around?

In the early 1990s Roe Richardson Company Ltd was the only company to invest heavily in computerized pressure testing analysis Computer pressure analysis, first of all to address the shortcomings of conventional and other paneled saddles . In the past much design effort had been aimed at rider comfort , often at the expense of the horse. Their aim was to address this imbalance and allow the horse to enhance performance through comfort. The result of this testing and research were the first ReactorPanel Saddles which were designed here in England in 1991 By Barry Richardson and his son Phil who still works with us today.

The product was then Trademarked in 1999. Dean became involved in 2000 and Carmi Weininger also began in the USA around that time. Saddle Exchange then expanded into Europe in 2005 and into Australia in 2021. We have also fitted saddles for our customers in Dubai and the UAE and even have a customer in Japan!

During this time we have made numerous advancements to the products designing and become more innovative with regards to the fitting as we encounter more fitting challenges, we adjusted the viscosity of the discs slightly in 2012 in response to our own testing and have also introduced new styles of saddle with the input of our customers, accessories such as the weight systems for Endurance FEI riders and the new easy fit numnahs . However the basic design of the product has remained the same, you can’t improve on perfection!

How is a ReactorPanel® Saddle different to traditional saddles?

Conventional saddles have wool and synthetic flocked, or pre-formed memory foam panels that are sewn pockets attached directly to the tree therefore the shape of the tree has to fit the horse correctly and there is very little room for change. Incorrectly fitting conventional saddles be they too narrow or too wide can damage the horses back. If they are too wide or too narrow pressure is exerted from the points of the tree, if the angle of the tree points is too narrow they will dig in, Tipping the rider backwards and placing the weight at the rear of the saddle .

A saddle which is too wide will cause the tree to drop and the panel of the saddle will not support the way it should therefore also giving the effect as if the saddle is too narrow ” the narrow part of the tree at the head of the saddle will sit too low therefore making it feel too tight”, a saddle that is too wide will also twist and move around on the horses back tipping the rider forward. High pressures from too narrow saddles or excessive movement occludes blood flow and can damage tissue and the muscles beneath the saddle also makes movement painful and uncomfortable for the horse making downhill movement uncomfortable and difficult. Body tissues have a self defense mechanism and as pressure is exerted , blood supply is reduced. Traditional saddle designs can typically induce pressures in excess 5 lbs per square inch and also inhibit a horse’s natural movement .

The revolutionary design of the ReactorPanel Saddle drastically improves the distribution of the rider’s weight across the horse’s back to lower harmful pressure under the saddle. It’s built in flexibility maintains this ideal weight distribution , even when the horse is moving.

The horse is allowed much more freedom of movement than is possible with a conventional saddle combined with more support for the rider’ weight than a treeless.The flexible panels and Sorbothane discs also cope with the seasonal changes that horses go through meaning that they require less adjustment and maintenance than a traditional saddle, they of course do not bed down in the same way as a flocked saddle which is constantly bedding down and changing, this is especially advantageous in cases of muscle atrophy and horses with high withers as the saddle does not sit in to the damaged area of the horse’s wither pocket, the therapeutic action also promotes the re-generation of wasted muscle tissue.

Where and How are ReactorPanel® Saddles Made?

All ReactorPanel Saddles are, and always have been expertly handcrafted using the very finest materials in Walsall, England . Made from the highest quality English leather which is tanned in Walsall around the corner from our workshop .

ReactorPanel Saddles are second to none in look, feel, quality, comfort, and durability. Our panels and discs are also manufactured especially for us using the same original process perfected by Roe Richardson Company Ltd. Everything that goes into the saddle is made in England with the exception of the fittings on our Portuguese saddle and our Western option who’s trees are made in the USA and Denmark.

Do the discs cause pressure points?

Many people assume that higher pressure exists under the discs. However in a correctly fitted ReactorPanel the panel spreads pressure outward in a horizontal plane, and because there is contact between the bottom of the saddle and the the panels through the middle of the saddle pressure points are eliminated . Computerized pressure analysis bears this out. Sit on you’re ReactorPanel® saddle on a wide saddle stand, put your hands under the front and back of the panels or we can demonstrate if you visit us at a show or event, you will not feel the discs. Dean used to demonstrate in the past by putting the panel on top of someone’s hand and then applying pressure to the other side with the hand of his hammer to demonstrate that the handle of the hammer could not be felt through the panel, although that demonstration works we don’t like to do that any more !!

My horse is short backed, will i need small panels ?

The way the system works is to use panels in relation to the tree size of the saddle, so for example a 16-16.5 saddle will have 22” panels, 17-17.5 23” panels ans 18” and above will usually have 24”.

Occasionally we apply 24” panels to smaller saddles to spread the weight of a particularly heavy rider on on a very large horse .

For short backed horses and large ponies we set the saddle up so that the back of the saddle isn’t weight bearing, this is why we can often fit a larger saddle to your horse than he would be able to take in a conventional saddle, the normal rule of not extending over the last thoracic rib do not apply in this case.

Thats why the most successful endurance horse of all time Nobby who is 14.3 wears a 17” saddle with no adverse effects. it is all about the way the saddle is set up!

Applying smaller panels to a larger saddle will stop the saddle system working as it should as it limits flexion of the panel and shortens the weight bearing surface and can be harmful to the horse.

Will a ReactorPanel Saddle need regular adjustment ?

If use of the ReactorPanel saddle is confined to a single, non remedial horse the need for adjustment will be infrequent, however we suggest a check by an Accredited Fitter once a year as changes happen gradually and can therefore be difficult to identify and are happy to advise you remotely based on photographs and video as we did through lockdown and you are confident to adjust your saddle yourself . We are also in the process of developing a video help library and will be running two day courses in the near future.

The ReactorPanel system automatically compensates for the normal seasonal changes in condition. The saddle will also work on similar shapes of horses with no need for adjustment, during your fitting ask your agent to check the saddle on any horse who will be wearing it. However, if your horse has muscle atrophy, is growing, is undergoing major changes in musculature or condition or is competing at a high level, the saddle may need to fine-tuned more frequently, Our British Team FEI riders for example who compete in 160 kilometres in 1 day rides have their saddles checked approximately every 2 to 3 months and some of them, for example Nicola Thorne once a month.

Our Saddle Exchange Accredited agents will be more than happy to call on you whenever required.

Is it easy to tell if the saddle needs to be adjusted?

A well adjusted ReatorPanel feels wonderful to ride in for yourself and your horse, the horse feels relaxed and balanced with a lower head carriage and ease in movement. Although the panels flex with the horse’s movement you should feel balanced and easily be able to maintain the correct position seated on your balance point feeling very connected to the horse . A very close contact feel is achieved and you can in fact feel ” every footfall “, your horse will also be relaxed and able to maintain balanced movement with less effort .

Changes occur gradually and you will feel less balanced and connected and may find that your saddle moves around. This is the time to call us out as ReactorPanel® saddles sometimes need fine tuning and therefore a check by an Saddle Exchange Accredited Fitter is sometimes needed, once the saddle is again fine tuned the original feel can be achieved.

Any queries please feel free to contact us directly for advice.

Can I fit my saddle myself or do I need a fetter?
Although the Reactorpanel system is very straightforward and logical there is a great diversity in the shapes and sizes of our horses who often have individual needs, their way of going dependent on age, athletic ability and training and we would not recommend fitting your ReactorPanel saddle yourself unless you are very experienced or have input via photos from ourselves. Some of our long term customers do adjust their own saddles under direction from us and we are developing videos to help and run 2 day companion training courses.

Riders also have very individual needs and come in all shapes and sizes, hence the choice of seat shapes and sizes, many riders look at pictures of the saddles and decide what they would like often find they buy a different saddle after the fitting as the saddles quite often feel very different to what they expect.

Fortunately we are here to help and after years of fitting these saddles have a vast knowledge of what usually works, therefore we recommend that unless you have prior experience of the saddles you book a visit to help with your initial selection of the saddle and take advantage of the trial period.

Our Accredited Fitters attain Accreditation for ReactorPanel go through a long period of training and continual development in the subtleties of saddle fit and are therefore be well equipped to help you.

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