ReactorPanel…..Anything else is just a saddle
ReactorPanel Saddles were first designed and manufactured in the UK in the 1990's and still the most comfortable, the most adjustable, Most innovative saddles on the market.
ReactorPanel Saddles are used at the highest levels of competition....
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Welcome to the Official Website of the ReactorPanel Brand
We would like to introduce the new ReactorPanel Lehbab Endurance Saddle, a truly inspired design to suit most riding styles and incorporating our new evolution features of the super lightweight stripdown tree and dual feel knee blocks..
The Lehbab ( named for the desert surrounding Dubai) was inspired by our visit to the UAE in January 2023 for the World Championships and designed in collaboration with Nicki Thorne and Anzac Mehmood to suit more riding styles. The straighter cut styles are not comfortable for our riders who ride with a forward leg position and this can make it difficult for some of our customers who have horses in training in the UAE , hence we have designed a saddle which can be ridden both ways, either with a straight leg or with kegs forward, it also is comfortable for customers who like to ride shorter. What a revelation 😊
The saddle has now been delivered to Nicki for her input on the prototype after a successful pressure testing using the Medilogic system in the Netherlands at Countrymill Horse support and therefore the design could be changed based on her feedback but it is now also available for customers to buy and trial, custom options will of course be available for individual customers based on a successful trial of the system. Please contact us if you would like to try this amazing endurance saddle.
Introducing our new 5th generation ReactorPanel Australian Stock Saddle, designed with Australian Polocross Team Member, horse trainer and founder of “Your Horsemanship” Jason Webb.
The saddle was designed to allow superior support and security together with the stability and adjustability of the ReactorPanel system. The saddle is also at least half the weight of most leather Australian stock saddles on the market.
Introducing the new Ultra range of saddles. The new saddles are at the cutting edge of saddle design incorporating our new stripdown , lighter weight, adjustable trees, dual feel knee pads and super comfort seat padding.
The saddles have been designed with a focus on comfort and lightness, combined with the ReactorPanel system of ultimate weight distribution they are the ultimate comfort experience for you and your horse.
The Ultra endurance is based on our earlier design, supporting the straight legged riding position used by many endurance riders , the knee roll has a firm, supportive foam at the front to support the rider in standing canter with a softer foam against the leg to avoid bruising during the longest of rides. Successfully trialed over 200 hours by one of our Dutch customers .
The Gp / more forward model, designed and trialed by the same Dutch rider who tested the original saddle works well for smaller riders who prefer a more forward leg position.
Introducing the new Ultra range of saddles. The new saddles are at the cutting edge of saddle design incorporating our new stripdown , lighter weight, adjustable trees, dual feel knee pads and super comfort seat padding.
The saddles have been designed with a focus on comfort and lightness, combined with the ReactorPanel system of ultimate weight distribution they are the ultimate comfort experience for you and your horse.
The Ultra endurance is based on our earlier design, supporting the straight legged riding position used by many endurance riders , the knee roll has a firm, supportive foam at the front to support the rider in standing canter with a softer foam against the leg to avoid bruising during the longest of rides. Successfully trialed over 200 hours by one of our Dutch customers .
The Gp / more forward model, designed and trialed by the same Dutch rider who tested the original saddle works well for smaller riders who prefer a more forward leg position.
The 3rd generation, ReactorPanel Huntsman, Hunting saddle has been developed specifically for the demands of the hunting field, for both the horse and the rider, as a ReactorPanel saddle it is of course, capable of all distances .
The most forward of our Jumping Saddles, the Huntsman is also used for all types of Jumping and is used by Eventers, Show Jumpers and people who require a comfortable, forward cut saddle for general purpose and hacking.
With the Huntsman we have provided the rider as standard with an extra soft seat, and soft, flexible, hard wearing Memel leather on the saddle flaps. The saddle flaps are set forward to allow the rider to ride short, the seat is medium deep and the saddle comes with adjustable knee and thigh blocks, also with the addition of rings and staples to attach bags and flask holders .
The close contact ride experienced when riding on a ReactorPanel saddle is enhanced by this combination of leather, allowing a really close feel with you leg able to really get around the horse .
The Huntsman comes in a rich dark brown or in black, with a choice of seat and knee pad leather options, the seat sizes are 16½”, 17″, 17½” and 18″
Designed for Trec National Champion Caitlin Crossley, based on the Elevation monoflap used by Dorothy Still and Wahiki the Trec saddle has a straighter flap and mid set stirrup bars to support riding with a longer stirrup. The saddle also has a medium deep seat with extra padding and a medium velcro knee roll.
The ReactorPanel Polo Saddle was designed to provide the rider with a beautifully made genuine Polo saddle, which provides excellent stability, with the benefit of the ReactorPanel system allowing the horse the maximum athleticism .
The Polo saddle has a really comfortable secure seat for the rider under all riding situations. As it is a ReactorPanel it also has the ability to fit a wide range of horses .
Coming in either a tan or a grey/blue and with a 18″ or 19″ seat the Polo saddle is suitable for most competitors. Though mostly special order there is a limited stock available to see .
Our 3rd Generation, ReactorPanel Working Equitation Saddle, a genuine Iberian saddle with all the benefits to the horse and rider and adjust ability of ReactorPanel that can be used by all Iberian owners for ridden classes.
Developed with the help of Pedro Neves, Classical Portuguese Master and Portuguese Working Equitation Team Member.
Pedro is one of Portugal´s established professional riders having been trained by some of the best Portuguese Masters. Pedro´s principal philosophy is to create balance and harmony between horse and rider by developing the abilities of both by using classical techniques.
A member of the National Portuguese Working Equitation Team, Pedro regularly takes part in international equestrian displays such as Royal Windsor and Olympia in the UK, Stockholmhorseshow in Sweden, Pferd & Jagd in Germany, Cheval Passion in France and in China. for more about Pedro please see his website www.pedro-neves.com/paginaInicial.asp
Authentic Portuguese fittings and a crupper attachment are provided to give the required look, however as with our other saddles a crupper will not be required to keep the saddle in place, the Iberian saddle also comes with our standard 4 girthing straps for fitting the individual girth groove.
The saddle comes with the benefit of Velcro under pads to give more support under the knee roll which can be removed if a closer feel is required and the option of a Thigh pad.
Available in seat sizes starting at 16.5″ in both black and Roeberry, with the option of a doeskin seat
The Race Exercise saddle was developed for the racehorse trainer who wanted to work their horses whatever the shape of the horses back . Sometimes being able to use the saddle on a range of horses with similar backs.
A really comfortable, balanced saddle, which helps the horses movement and the building up of the muscles, also very useful for rehabilitation and used by our customer Sandie Bregnager Kjaer from Healthy Horse Rehabilitation and Racing. It comes with soft, flexible hard wearing Memel leather as standard.
The ReactorPanel Race Exercise saddle can come in a range of seat sizes, 16½”, 17″, 17½” and 18″ . Available in a traditional brown colour with the extra cost option of a Doe Skin seat.
The Race Exercise saddle has removable, adjustable blocks under the flaps to aid security .

We usually have a selection of Second Hand and Ex Demo saddles in stock, they change regularly so its not possible to list on here so please contact us if you would like to discuss what we have available and book a visit to try some. These saddles have been reconditioned with parts replaced if they are needed and come with a warranty and 4 week trial to make sure you buy the right one for yourself and your horse. Prices start from around £895